the cincinnati fencing club

A place, In cincinnati, for people who fence, to be in a club.

Monday fencing - Clifton

Nominations for the 2025 officer election are now closed. 

The nominees are:

Nate Westcott, incumbent for President

Marc Staubitz  for Vice-President

Eerik Huculak, incumbent for Secretary

Adam Troescher for Treasurer

We will not have fencing on Monday the 20th, for Martin Luther King Jr Day. I will be sending out email ballots to finalize the vote.

Google maps to Clifton recreation center

Looking for more fencing in the cincinnati area?

Check out our neighbors:

Competetive Fencing and Upcoming Tournaments

If you are excited to learn more about competition fencing, if you are looking for upcoming tournaments, or if you are looking for results from previous tournaments, then it is time to get acquainted with 

AskFred is a database open to the fencing community to organize tournaments, keep results and data about fencer's careers, and give a unified place for clubs to advertise their upcoming events!

For information on upcoming tournaments follow this link to see all tournaments "near" Cincinnati (AskFred is a little broad in it's definition of near):

Check out this link for a search of tournaments with a limit of a 100 mile drive.

USFA Rating Chart

Academy of Fencing Masters Blog is a great resource for information by fencers and parents of athletes, talking about all the stuff that we all wonder about. Wonder no longer, start learning today!

The following link will take you to for the explanation of how the ratings given out during a tournament are determined. USFA Ratings.

Also, this article goes into all the nitty-gritty of earning your ratings: 

Fencer Ratings Made Simple

looking back, wistfully

I've been going back through old files, photos, and the like; riding on waves of nostalgia. I've pulled out some photos going back to 2014 when we were meeting at McKie recreation center while the Clifton rec was being renovated!